Senin, 18 April 2011

Animals at the Milano Designweek

Horses, birds, sheep, pigs, insects, fur, they were all present at the design week in Milano.I'm not sure why cause they weren't really "design" in my eyes. Most of the animal-like things I've seen were merely decorative or taken too literally, and they sure ain't works of art! So there I missed the point, but I guess it's a trend. So, here they are;

Giraffe sculpture made of chicken(!)wire by Benedetta Mori Ubaldi
Delicate dinnerware by Jaime Hayon for Kutani pottery
Insect shaped, porcelain wall vases by RaR

Frame for a horse at Travaganti.Detail of "l'enfant au bord du mer d'apres Fred Morgan" by frederiquemorrel
Detail of a wooden ostrich by ?. The real stuff:plumeau on a honeycomb shaped container from 'La femme et la maison' by Nika Zupanc
Wood and fur stools from Opal
Lampshade with peacock feathered interior by ?
"PortoGallus" a Cock inspired lamp by Vandoma
En route, my eyes were relieved by this vision of animals. I always seem to get happy feelings when seeing these kind of kitschy pictures.
Oops, a Swarovski studded horse with an ugly face, in an ill darkened room! Indeed nice to pose in front of, otherwise, I'm clueless. But it got worse:

Well, I was obviously at the wrong place here ! My fashionable eyes were hurting like h*ll. Straight after taking this picture I went home, feeling tired and full of regret that I didn't take the time to find out which places were the most important to see. Let's call it a beginner's mistake (it was my first time in Milan during the design week) I will make no more.

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