Senin, 18 Juli 2011

The Murdoch Empire - will it fall ?

This article is in July Tatler - who would have predicted what is happening to the News International Group with its share price dropping as we speak reflecting the uncertainty of the news organisation's future. This is like a Jeremy Archer novel except it is happening now! With British Prime Minister David Cameron so closely linked to Andy Coulson and Rebeka Brooks ( he went on an Xmas Day walk with her and Jeremy Clarkson - Rebeka is married to old Etonian Horse trainer Charlie Brooks) - One wonders if Cameron can survive the present witch hunt. I think we will have Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg in his place by the end of the week if the crisis continues. Truth can be stranger than fiction. Today two top police chiefs have resigned and a News of the World journalist was found dead in his Watford home this afternoon adding to the intrigue. Is this a British Watergate?
Who is buying the film rights? - this is ironically one of the best news stories in recent journalistic history and it is the hacks playing the role of main protangonists!
Rupert and James Murdoch will be explaining themselves to a phone hacking investigative committee in the House of Commons tomorrow, what will come out of the wood work then? - riveting stuff !
Who said I just had to blog about fashion? - I do like Anna  Murdoch's 1970s style though in the black and white photo below! I bet Elizabeth Murdoch would like to stick her tongue out like this now, it is a great photo....
Will the Maxwell's be in touch to give them advice? or Conrad Black from his jail in America....

The Murdoch Dynasty

Images courtesy of Tatler - please credit

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