... as I continue with my "scarf project" -- adding camp color to my wardrobe by crocheting colorful edgings to scarves - I sketched the just-finished-turquoise bandanna, with a romantic dress, and one of my plastic bottle necklaces. I adore cotton bandannas, they are wonderful new when the colors are bright and the texture crisp, and as they age, and the color fades and the texture becomes soft, they are just as beautiful, but in another way. Like jeans, bandannas become personal, individual, they fit in that category of an amazing classic design, that transcend fashion, and putting a funky crocheted edge (in this case white and fuchsia cotton string yarns) feels like the right thing to do. Anyway, below a photo ...

...of a vintage silk Dior scarf edged that I edged in all kinds of metallic, boucle and fantasy yarns (it's just about using odd ball yarns in kooky colors and texture combos) and also the chocolate and creme dotted fabric, that I cut on the bias into an elongated, triangle shape, and edged it with a neon lemon wool yarn.

If you want to make them yourself,
there's a tutorial, or if you just arrived and need some background about my scarf project,
hit this link.
Above, the group of four where we are today, from the bottom left, -- my first try, the organza, the Dior, the vintage chocolate and the turq bandanna!
I hope it inspires you to get your crochet hook out and see what you can re-fashion and along the way have some fun with creating something new out of something old!
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