Sabtu, 14 November 2009

Maharaja at the V&A

The V&A has mounted a splendid exhibition, "Maharaja -The Splendour of India's Royal Courts." It is bound to inspire you to adorn yourself or your home with a dazzling array of everything that lushly twinkles or drips in gold, with exquiste and beautiful taste. Suzy Menkes (click here) shares every succulent detail. If you can make it to London, the fury that surrounds these shows adds to the fun, as the students sketching away and the outfits of the visitors are always imaginative. Above, is the "Procession of Ram Singh II of Kota," a watercolor painting from about 1850. Just click here, to discover extraordinary detail and beauty of this procession and the objects on display. as well as a competition for a trip to India! Hope you win! Or at least hope you enjoy the fun of sinking into the lap of overwhelming luxury and learning about another historical cultural and fashion influence on another part of the globe.

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