Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

Madrid Eco design innovation and style in Chueca

ECOMANIA a pioneering shop in the Chueca / Salamanca borders
Flamenco/fan earrings made from coffee machine foil lids, 
more innovation - base of a cocoa cola bottle made into flowers 
Base of a cocoa cola plastic bottle moulded into flowers for earrings, broaches or even buttons
Computer drive clocks 
broach corsage made from felt and  coffee maker foil lids, saw floral corsages worn on winter coats and in hair in Madrid
a recycled coffee pot made into a stylish lamp

cute purses made of old can pulls, 
Inner tyre brand and price, note the belt above
never tyre of style with this shoulder bag - a great statement to make -
Bags made from the inner tube of car tyres - 
stylish bags created from threading fizzy drinks can pulls - clever

Where there is wealth and time to have a conscience and choice there will be designer eco shops like this one. Which is entirely laudable. There is something very cool about having the courage and style to wear something that has been redesigned out of trash. This shop reminded me of Colin and Olivia Firths shop in Chiswick.
Cheuca is a bohemian arty zone similar to Notting Hill in Madrid with lots of independent retailers selling fashion and lifestyle goods and Salamanca is the equivalent of Knightsbridge or Chelsea where you will find all the high end brands such as Prada, Mui Mui, Loewe, Gucci and Chanel for example. 

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