Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

LFW Day 6, Ones To Watch MEN - C/Bruerberg

Camilla has collaberated with electro band Royksopp
Camilla Bruerberg - an outstanding talent 
cool urban knit look - loved it !

Can see an androgyny in this look

Exquisite detail in this aztec style knit pattern , 

modern tribal element in her styling - urban warrior

80s styling, baggy & layered -

statement piece - brilliant construction - 

Camilla Bruerberg - outstanding

Camilla Breuerberg, the next Vauxhall Fashion Scout 'Ones to Watch' to show is the designer behind the label C/Bruerberg. She graduated from Oslo national Academy of the arts in 2008, and showed her debut collection as 'Debutant of the Season' at Oslo Fashion Week in 2010. Camilla's work focuses on a combination of knit and digital print. In addition to individual projects, Camilla has also collaborated with electro band Royksopp (the music of which is at the top of this post)
I really enjoyed her show.

Photography Schelay McCarter - please credit fashiontent

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